Browsing All posts tagged under »Justin Hoenke«

Guest Post: Three Punk Rock Lessons for Surviving 21st-Century Library Hell

October 25, 2010


As someone who proudly works for librarians, I reserve the right to pass the mic now and then to my librarian friends who have much to say about the things that matter to anyone who cares about books and music. Here, then, is Justin Hoenke, Teen Librarian of the Portland (ME) Public Library, holding forth […]

Friendship: A Revolution Born in My Social Network

October 6, 2010


I am only human and so contract a social media flu now and then. One too many inane tweets plus a head-on collision with a holier-than-thou tech clique turned me into Joan Crawford with a case of the Nevada dry heaves last weekend. You'd think, then, that I would've greeted Malcolm Gladwell's recent New Yorker article with a righteous fist pump and a spin in the ole bungee-cord office chair.